viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

The Importance of Classroom Management

"The goal of classroom management is not quiet classrooms, it’s productive students." Robert Slavin.

Effective classroom management is one of the most essential components of a successful educational environment at school. Therefore, it is important that classroom management goals are set and actions are taken to see that those goals are applied in the classroom. 

First, and most importantly, students must demonstrate respect for themselves and others at all times. This goal covers a variety of skills. To meet this goal, students must not talk while others are talking; also, they must not speak before being recognized and must not exhibit an inattentive, rude or disruptive behavior. They must also be kind to others, listen when others are speaking, and keep their personal appearance and desk area in order.

Also, time in class is an effective classroom management tool. If the transition time between activities is held to a minimum, students will stay in control and focused more time. It will be much easier to move from one activity to another if students are not allowed to fall in a chaotic transition mode between the activities.

In addition, being on time in class is a major goal in any classroom management plan. Tardiness is an indicator of lack of time management skills, lack of respect for the teacher and class, and lack of concern for the student's personal academic success. The tardiness rules varies from school to school, but each rule is designed to contribute to a learning environment that is predictable and free of distractions. Therefore, encouraging students to be on time for class also helps them to develop punctuality, a very important life skill.

Classroom management is the term that teachers use to describe manage of their classroom and students to ensure that stressful situations are avoided and students learn topics and subjects effectively. Classroom management involves more than the management and discipline of the students but also the availability of additional information on every lesson. Effective classroom management will make life less stressful for teachers and ensure that students are provided with the correct tools in a calm environment in which to learn.

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