Nowadays, the internet has an important role and great potential in educational life. It is also used specifically in second language learning all over the world. Some research results indicate that the use of internet increases language and acquisition of second language. For example, it was found that interaction in language helps learners to gain input in language learning process. Specifically, it increases synchronous communication of ESL learners and boost them to use the second language in real situations. In other words, the internet motivates learners to use English in their daily lives and provides functional communicative experiences.
As it was mentioned before, the internet is a useful medium for communication with native speakers in real situations, making students to improve the four macro skills, listening, writing, speaking and reading. Additionally, internet helps students to improve their computer skills, such as keyboarding skills, opening and storing files, Internet searching, and technical and conceptual experiences. In fact, many students indicate that the internet has positive effects on motivation, it provides means for creative works and gives opportunities for collaboration and socialization in learning process.
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