viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Motives for Teaching

Nowadays, motivation has an important role in the job of teaching. For that reason, teaching English is more than just a work for me. It's an experience that gives me motives and rewards when doing it. Therefore, I would like to explain some motives and rewards I get when I do my teaching practicums.

First, I feel motivated when my students learn what I am teaching. Also, the great appreciation that  I, as an English practitioner, receive from the students when I am teaching to them. In addition, I feel rewarded when my students successfully get good grades in my evaluations because not only I see that I am doing a god job, but also I am making good students for the future.

In other words, working with teenagers make me feel motivated because I share the knowledge I learned since I was a child, and rewarded because I know I am making good persons for the future.

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